Imotion FLOW at Piece Hall: A Case Study in Historic Site Modernization


Piece Hall, a historic landmark located in the heart of Halifax, West Yorkshire, has recently installed two double-sided imotion FLOW digital signs in the open-air courtyard. The signs are part of Piece Hall's ongoing digitalization efforts, which aim to enhance the visitor experience and ensure the venue remains a relevant and dynamic space for years to come.

Situation analysis

The Piece Hall was originally built in 1779 as a center for the textile trade. Today it’s a popular tourist attraction and cultural hub that hosts a range of events throughout the year. As part of their digitalization efforts, the venue sought a stunning visual centerpiece that would provide a modern contrast to the historic architecture of the courtyard.


The imotion FLOW digital signs were the perfect solution for Piece Hall's transformation. The signs are double-sided and equipped with advanced features to provide an unparalleled viewing experience to visitors.

The high-quality UHB displays backed with proven thermal management provide crisp and clear images.

IP56, IK10 robust enclosure ensures that the signs are weather-resistant and can withstand harsh outdoor conditions.

Public display

The imotion FLOW 46” digital signs have become a visual centerpiece in the courtyard, providing a unique and modern twist to the historic architecture. The signs are now an integral part of the visitor experience and are used to display relevant information, advertisements, and other content.

The project was completed by our long term UK partner, Digital Media Systems.

We at INFINITUS, are proud to have played a role in Piece Hall's transformation and look forward to continuing to support Digital Media Systems with even more exciting projects in the future. Stay tuned for more updates on our innovative digital solutions!